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Custom training plans and coaching support for runners of all levels and abilities!

Take your running to the next level with a custom training plan and your own running coach!

MGJ Coaching offers online coaching and training plans for runners of all levels and abilities - anywhere in the world!

We sell custom plans that are tailored to fit you, taking your training history, lifestyle, goals and current fitness level into consideration.

You can buy a standalone training plan, or a coaching subscription that includes coaching and guidance from a personal trainer.


Consultations are available for subscribing clients, as well as for anyone who wants assistance with their training - with or without the framework of a formal training plan.

We work together to optimize your training, focusing on key areas like individualization, progression, performance and enjoyment.

Mikkel Gisle Johnsen, running, coach, coaching, running coach, training plan

 Mikkel Gisle Johnsen
Online running coach & active runner

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My Services

my services

Coaching Subscription
with custom training plan

You'll have your own personal coach guiding you and following up on your training. You'll learn to train smarter and better. Your custom training plan will be updated along the way by your coach.

  • Custom training plan in the V.O2 app.

  • Individualized running and strength training.

  • Built from scratch, fitted to your lifestyle.

  • Continual adjustments and optimizations.

  • Video calls to discuss training.

  • Unlimited chat support on WhatsApp.





Paid monthly / No minimum time


*A starter pack - including two video calls - will have to be purchased before commencing the subscription. Price: $129.

Level 1: USD 159,- /month*

Level 2: USD 190,- /month*

Level 3: USD 269,- /month*

Standalone training plan
without coaching

You get a custom training plan for X amount of weeks, built to fit your fitness level, lifestyle and goals - but without coaching support.

  • Custom training plan in the V.O2 app. 

  • Individualized running and strength training.

  • Built from scratch, fitted to your lifestyle.

  • Questionnaire based information gathering.

  • No adjustments along the way.

  • Information PDF with tips & best practices.


Invoiced before commencing plan / Minimum 8 weeks

*A starter pack with an initial questionnaire will be added to the total cost of the plan. Price: $89.

USD 22.90 Per Week of The Plan*

Revision of plan: USD 79,-

Coaching Support not included!

video call with a running coach

You get an online video call with a running coach, where you can discuss your training, ask questions or tackle a specific topic.

  • Video call with a running coach.

  • Learn about training or discuss your running.

  • Platforms like Skype, WhatsApp, Teams, Zoom, Google etc. are available.

  • Open for any topic you need to discuss.


Paid by invoice before the session

Discounts given when buying packages of 2 or more.

30 MINUTES: USD 49,-

60 MINUTES: USD 69,-

Race Day Coaching Package: USD 199,-


Here I am with two of my clients, before a race here in Norway!

Your Coach

mikkel gisle johnsen

Hey there! 

My name is Mikkel and I'm a running coach based in Norway, coaching runners online around the world. I'm also an eager runner myself, continually working on reaching my potential, and enjoying the process.

In addition to working online, I coach runners locally here in Norway, and sell personal training services. I also make YouTube videos on my channel Lone Endurance

I'm passionately interested in running as a sport - particularly the scientific underpinning behind various training methodologies and exercise physiology in general.

I want to help you become the best runner you can be, relative to your goals and starting point. We'll do this by focusing on consistent training, done in a smart way, with continuity over time. 

My training philosophy is based around key principles like periodization (variation and progression of training focus over time), individualization (everyone's unique) and specificity (you get good at what you do often). 

My training methods come from a good mix of personal experience and knowledge, the philosophy of Arthur Lydiard (pioneer of modern distance running training, from New Zealand) and the system of Jack Daniels (succesful running coach from the USA). 

I consider myself fairly well versed in sports physiology and training methodology - but continue to learn every day as an eternal student of running and everything related to that. Learning is like food for the mind!

My coaching experience and compentency:


  • I've studied exercise physiology, anatomy and endurance training informally on a private basis through books, lectures, courses and scientific publications since 2012.

  • I'm a certified running coach through The Lydiard Foundation since 2018.


  • I'm a certified running coach through VDOT O2 (Jack Daniels PhD) since 2019.

  • I have many years of experience in coaching; specifically with MGJ Coaching since 2019. I've also worked as a health coach for many years, taught guitar and worked as a certified black belt Taekwon-do instructor. 

  • I'm a runner myself and can identify with what it means to be an athlete. I still consider myself to be early in my running career and have ambitious goals that I'm working towards systematically and patiently. I'm currently training about 400 hours per year and I'm looking to build this progressively over the next decade.

  • Most of all, I'm completely in love with running and all it brings to my life.

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Mikkel Gisle Johnen


running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running

Two main things make Mikkel Gisle Johnsen the best running coach I have ever had:


Firstly, how passionate he is about running - being a great runner himself - and secondly, his vast knowledge of complementary, and equally important, aspects such as physiology and nutrition.

His dedication is huge, and he constantly works with me on the progress and personalized adaptation of my training plan in order to achieve my goals.

I have never been so well trained in my life, and I have been running for many years.

If you are committed to your running and want to achieve your most ambitious goals, I strongly recommend that you give MGJ Coaching a try.

- GASTON, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I've been been overweight hole my life, and never been a runner. There were even times I would laugh at runners. 

But then I began to run just to have something in common with my brother, and as a way to "survive" during lockdown.

Having to walk a lot in my work and everyday life, I realised that it was important not to get hurt during running. With this idea in mind I searched for a qualified running coach to help me.

Having adopted a fruit based diet in the last 5 years, Mikkel was the perfect option for me due to his knowledge of nutrition and health - so I just went straight on. 

For more than two years now I have been working with him and it has been an awesome journey that is still ongoing!

I must say that the attention and care he puts in every detail is astonishing! The advice he isn't related only to running, but to all activities of every day life. The most helpful fact for me was that I didn't have to give up anything in order to run. Mikkel took my schedule and made room for it.

After only one year of working with him I arrived third in a 10k race, and after 3 months did my first half marathon with a 1:49 time.


Thank you Mikkel!🌼

- LORINA, from Rome, Italy

running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running
running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running

It was my best decision to prepare myself for the Marathon with the help of Mikkel’s individual coaching!

I probably wouldn’t have managed to run the race that fast, if I wouldn’t have profited from his individual training plan, and coaching advice in our personal coaching sessions!

It was totally worth it! 🎉💪🏻

- MAX, from Mannheim, Germany.

(Stock Photo as Tim wants to stay anonymous)

You must either be very interested in sports, or you must absolutely hate it, as you are reading this testimonial for Mikkel and, apparently, considering to hire him.


Long story short: Hire him! You won't regret it.


I am currently one of Mikkel's clients, with a yearly subscription (I'd pay him for a million years in advance if I could) – and I suggested myself to write a testimonial for him. Why? Because I truly want the world to know how awesome it is to have an online sports coach of Mikkel's quality.


Under Mikkel's guidance, I have become an athlete who truly loves doing sports almost every day. Previously, I was overweight, plagued by sicknesses, hated sports, and couldn't imagine calling myself an "athlete". Yet, with Mikkel's expertise and proven system, I have truly shifted my identity.


So, as I said in the beginning, do not think twice. Just hire Mikkel as your coach – unless I hire him first to be my private full-time coach! ;)


If you have any questions about this testimonial, Mikkel has the permission to give my contact information to individuals on a one-on-one basis, but publicly I prefer to stay anonymous.


Good luck on your journey. With Mikkel, you'll arrive.

- TIM, from Helsinki, Finland

running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running

Stock photo, as Tim wants to stay anonymous.

running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running

Mikkel is a great coach!


He is very knowledgable on the mechanics of running. He helped me work through stubborn calf muscle tightness and avoid injuries.


He’s great at knowing when to set a challenge and when to take breaks, and in my case how to build a running routine around my other fitness activities like rock climbing and strength training without over doing it.


We worked on improving my running ability over the course of the year. I started from little to no running experience and initially approached Mikkel out of the hope I could improve my fitness to run longer distances without developing injuries (those stubborn calves again).


Mikkel guided me from a run/walk weekly schedule to being able to go on an hour long run!


He’s got a great sense of humor mixed with serious focus to make you a better runner. This was my saving grace, as I’d made the mistake to have one too many drinks two nights before the 5k I had scheduled. It happens, but Mikkel was nice enough to share a laugh and make sure it doesn’t happen next time!


I’ve become a better runner and learned a lot along the way.

- ELENA, from San Fransisco, USA

It has been an honor working under the inspiring guidance of Mikkel Gisle Johnsen this past year!


His extensive running knowledge, his strong understanding of exercise physiology, his attention to detail towards my personalized training plans, his passion for teaching and his uplifting, positive energy are just a few things that elevate him as an excellent running coach!


I am grateful to Mikkel for his role in my extraordinary fitness gains and I cannot recommend his services highly enough!

- CHITI, from Pennsylvania, USA.

running coach, training plans, coaching, distance running

WHY GET A running COACH?

  • unlimited access to professional guidance and training advice, ensuring that you're training smart, recovering effectively, having fun and reaching your goals.
  • The training plan adapts to you - not vice versa. adjustments are made continually based on your training status, training load, goals and life in general.
  • consistency and continuity of training due to an individually optimized plan that's sustainable and enjoyable over time.
  • more motivation when you have someone "in your corner" that supports you and holds you accountable along the way. 
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my services, or anything else!
Mikkel Gisle Johnsen

Personal Trainer and Running Coach


Available for personal training sessions locally in Asker, Norway. See Norwegian page here

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Running Coach Mikkel Gisle Johnsen
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